Parents' perceptions of the impact of the home environment on youth living with an Autism Spectrum Disorder




Background: The prevalence of autism spectrum disorders (ASD) is estimated at 1% worldwide. People living with ASDs are often very sensitive to environmental stimuli (e.g., noise). These stimuli influence the person-environment interaction in a positive or negative way, and an excess of stimuli could cause inappropriate or unexpected behavioural responses (e.g., crisis). The Model of Competence, explaining the person-environment relationship, is the conceptual framework chosen to guide this study. The objective is to explore parents’ perceptions regarding the influence of the home environment characteristics on persons living with ASD. Methods: A qualitative interpretive description design was used. Parents of youth with an ASD who lived in the family home until at least 16 years old participated in the study. Focus groups were conducted until data saturation. A thematic analysis was performed. Results: The elements impacting people living with an ASD are grouped under two themes: Non-human Environment and Human Environment. Although these elements have various effects on this population, noise, excess visual stimuli, unexpected visitors, and changes in the environment seem to be disturbing elements. Natural light, nature, a safe environment, and stability in the environment seem to have positive effects. Discussion: Even though the home environment is usually a safe and stable environment, these elements emerged as fundamental. Thus, the repercussions of this in other environments that are difficult to control should be something to reflect on. Conclusions: Identifying these elements and their effects allows for a better understanding of the interaction between the person with ASD and their environment, both human and non-human, guiding professionals in their interventions.


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How to Cite

Ruiz-Rodrigo, A., Morales, E., Louis-Delsoin, C., & Rousseau, J. . (2023). Parents’ perceptions of the impact of the home environment on youth living with an Autism Spectrum Disorder . Journal of Accessibility and Design for All, 13(1), 43–68.