
  • Ken Reimer Winnipeg School Division



inclusion, universal design, teachers, novels


Although Universal Design (UD) was initially an architectural construct, the term is now used in a wide range of disciplines including education. Proponents believe that teachers trained in UD will be better equipped to meet the needs of the broadest range of learners through flexible curricular materials and activities.This comparative case study explores high school English teachers’ perceptions of UD aligned teaching practices and their influence on the teaching and learning of the same senior high novel unit: with one class using UD aligned practices and the other class using traditional methods. The findings of this study support the notion that the Universal Design construct may have the potential to develop the necessary talents of teachers to provide a wide range of students with greater access to the novel.


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How to Cite

Reimer, K. (2017). OPENING OUR BOOKS: UNIVERSAL DESIGN AND THE NOVEL STUDY. Journal of Accessibility and Design for All, 7(1), 76–98.