Study of interiority application in deaf space based lecture space

Case study: the Center of Art, Design & Language in ITB building




Many lecture space facilities today are included in audism category because they do not yet have space design regulations for hearing disabilities. As a result, students with hearing disabilities, who are not identified from the start, require more time to sustain their education. This study aims to apply related theories including DeafSpace principles and interiority to find lecture space settings that can support the behavior of SHD’s. Lecture spaces in the CADL-BIT building are not currently designed specifically for users with disabilities in application of interiority. This research used a qualitative method with a case study approach. Data is collected through observation, simulation, and interviews to explore the experience of space users. The research results showed that spatial experience was influenced by behavior, activities and space. The behavior of students with hearing disabilities in lecture space settings is influenced by interiority. There are lecture classrooms found to form of interiority, which are u-shaped furniture settings, easy visibility to read facial expressions and lips movements, and can interact with each other, bright lighting (not dim), wall colors according to pastel colors, plain wall material, and acoustics are used sound absorbers. This research is expected to be beneficial for scholarship about the DeafSpace design,  community, and building based on social culture

Author Biography

Rachmita Maun Harahap, Lecturer and Reseacher of Mercu Buana University

Lecturer and Reseacher Activits for disability person in Indonesia


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How to Cite

Harahap, R. M., Santoso, I., Wahjudi, D., & Martokusumo, W. (2020). Study of interiority application in deaf space based lecture space: Case study: the Center of Art, Design & Language in ITB building. Journal of Accessibility and Design for All, 10(2), 229–261.